- 我們的專員均留學於海外,對於海外的環境、教育制度等各方面均有深度的了解,可以幫助您以最快速的方式完成留學遊學的夢想。
- 海外公司設立於澳洲布里斯本市,學員到了當地可以隨時得到幫助,不會因為語言文化的差異而求援無門。
- 我們以『滿足您的所需』為出發的起點,秉持專業真誠的服務態度, 陪伴您完成人生重要的求學階段。
- 我們是台澳合法註冊的移民代理公司,並擁有多位移民專業人員及執照律師,為您的移民計劃做完整的規劃與評估。
- 喬順更提供澳洲不動產投資相關服務,隨時掌握澳洲不動產投資訊息,提供完善諮詢,為您的投資計劃把關。
Why Us?
- All of our consultants are overseas graduates. They understand overseas education system and policy which can help you to find the right path for your studies.
- We have offices in Australia and Taiwan which can provide a complete service to students including pre-arrival seminar and local assistance and support.
- We are dedicated to assist our student to successfully complete their studies overseas.
- We are both Taiwan and Australia licensed migration agency which can provide you professional advice and evaluation.
- We have property experts who fully understand Australian housing market and provide accurate information to our customers. We can tailor your very own investment plan.